Our Mission

Agrihost encourages a healthy community by providing the public with direct access to local food producers. We serve to stimulate and support local economies, to provide opportunities to inform and to support and strongly encourage environmental sustainability.

Guiding Principles

Locally Grown or Produced Products
We support and value local food practices, local farmers, and local food production.

We are committed to championing sustainable food systems and food practices that benefit the health of our shared environment.

We believe in educating the community about food choices and farming including locally grown options, nutrition, seasonal eating, organic growing, use of agricultural lands and the historical roots of farming in our community.

Sense of Community
We believe in building connections that create a sense of community through partnerships, collaborations and building relationships with the community at large.

Positive Change
We are committed to realizing positive change within the food community, and to educating the greater community on the benefits of healthy, sustainable food systems.

Better Health
We encourage healthier eating and healthier food practices.